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, NaNth
8:30-9:35 AM
SECR-201-1: Cryptocurrency and Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) (Security and Cryptography Track)
Paper Title: Filecoin - a Decentralized Storage Network

Paper Abstract: A superior network - Filecoin combines with IPFS, a peer-to-peer distributed network protocol, to make a more efficient and secure web free from corporate control. The Filecoin network is made up of a large number of diverse storage providers and developers. This creates a robust and reliable service. Store at hypercompetitive prices - The Filecoin network achieves staggering economies of scale by allowing anyone to participate as a storage provider and compete for your business. Provable security and authenticity - Content addressing and cryptographic storage proofs verify data is being stored correctly and securely over time.

Paper Author: Stefaan Vervaet, Web3 Ecosystem and Partnerships, Protocol Labs

Author Bio: I'm a seasoned product & marketing leader with experience in running high performing teams and driving business growth through product marketing and GTM initiatives in software and hardware. 18+ years of experience in B2B, distributed file and object software systems, private cloud and video security architectures with a focus on bringing emerging software and hardware technologies at the edge or in the enterprise. Critical leader in two early stage start-ups that resulted in successful acquisitions by Symantec/Veritas and Western Digital.