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9:45-10:50 AM
DNAA-301-2: DNA Data Storage Part 2 (DNA Data Storage Track)
Paper Title: Preservation of DNA for Information Storage: DNA as Flash BioDrives

Paper Abstract: The amount of data generated globally has been increasing rapidly, the storage methods have limitations regarding capacity, decay, and handling. These can be mitigated by developing long term information storage using DNA. Information is stored and distributed over prolonged time in the form of DNA, artificial protection is required, because it degrades by various factors. So, the goal of this study is to develop a long-term preservation of DNA data and develop an end-to-end programmable write-to-store-to-read cycle of data. So, we developed a biomimetic mineralized bone matrix structure to enhance preservation of DNA from various factors. The morphology and roughness of matrix structure was characterized by AFM. The DNA adsorption/desorption with multiple cycles were verified by FTIR, Ramen spectroscopy, XRD, and microscope. Temperature and UV effects were investigated by fragmentation and oxidative damage studies. The results showed that DNA and matrix maintained its structure during the desorption/desorption process, and therefore demonstrated that biomimetic mineralized bone matrix could be used as a rewritable and efficient support for DNA preservation without any data decay.

Paper Author: Devasier Bennet, Postdoc, The University of Arizona

Author Bio: I am well-qualified, talented, and experienced in Biomedical Engineering, Bionanotechnology, and Pharmaceutical science, with an extensive interdisciplinary background in academic and research fields as well. I consider myself as a full time, hardworking, and highly motivated to scientific research in and biomedical field (experience in pathophysiology, Onics analysis, cellular behavior studies, development of microphysiological systems, cell biology, drug delivery, biomaterials, immunology, therapeutic, tissue engineering, molecular biology, and microbiology). I played an indispensable role in several research projects across different institutes. For example, I am the lead researcher in a project across the Center for Applied Nanobioscience and Medicine, and TGen, tasked to develop a End-to-end, fully integrated programmable microfluidic platform (PMP) for DNA data “read-and-store” with cold storage of DNA data in synthetic fossils using Supercritical fluid (SCF) processing. This work is highly relevant as it aims at DNA data storage. Complete List of Published Work http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cp_CRVIAAAAJ&hl=en