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3:10-4:15 PM
SARC-302-2: Computational Storage Standards (System Architectures Track)
Paper Title: Computational Storage: How do NVMe CS and SNIA CS work together

Paper Abstract: NVMe and SNIA are both working on standards related to Computational Storage. The question that is continually asked is are these efforts are compatible or at odds with each other. The truth is that many of the same people are working on both of these standards efforts and are very interested in ensuring that they work together as opposed to conflicting with each other. This presentation will discuss how the two standards efforts go hand in hand, the aspects of the SNIA API that support the NVMe efforts, and the NVMe efforts to share common architectural structures with those defined in SNIA. As part of this discussion, a lexicon of terminology used in both organizations will be presented and the decoder ring that allows you to understand one document in terms of the other in spite of some differences in names used.

Paper Author: William Martin, Principal Engineer SSD I/O Standards, Samsung Electronics

Author Bio: Bill has been involved in the storage industry for over 35 years serving on industry consortiums and standards bodies for storage including SNIA, INCITS T10, INCITS T13, INCITS T11, SATA-IO, and NVMe. In addition to his role representing Samsung in SSD IO Standards, Bill currently holds the following industry leadership roles: chair of the SNIA Compute Memory and Storage Initiative (CMSI), co-chair of the SNIA Technical Council, Board member of the NVMe Board of Directors, Chair of INCITS T10, and Secretary of INCITS T13. Bill is: editor of the SNIA Computational Storage Architecture Model; editor of the SNIA Computational Storage API; editor of the SNIA Key Value Storage API; editor of SCSI Block Commands – 5 (SBC-5); and author of numerous proposals to: NVMe, SNIA, INCITS T10, INCITS T13, and INCITS T11. Bill has received numerous industry recognitions for his contributions to the storage industry over the past decades including: SNIA Volunteer of the Year award 2021, INCITS Gene Milligan award for effective committee management 2016, INCITS Merit award 2013, FCIA Achievement award 2010, INCITS Outstanding Leadership Team award 2007, INCITS Technical Excellence award 2005, FCIA Lifetime Achievement award 2005, and SNIA Outstanding Theme lead for the interop lab 2004.