Wednesday, August 9th 9:45-10:50 AM | OMEM-202-1: Life Beyond Flash (Other Memory Technologies Track) | | Paper Title: Emerging Memories – The Next Big Market
Paper Abstract: Intel’s Optane experiment is winding down, but companies making other emerging memory technologies continue to push forward. Large-scale research and investment continue in MRAM, ReRAM, FRAM, PCM, and other new technologies. Does this even make sense? What are the markets for emerging memories, and how are they likely to develop over time? What have we learned from Intel’s Optane efforts? This presentation, drawn from the Objective Analysis and Coughlin Associates report "Emerging Memories Enter the Next Phase," will explore the reasons why these new technologies will grow to a $44 billion market by 2032 and will and will show why and how the future of both memory technology and computer architecture depends on progress in this field, while explaining what technologists will need to do to stay ahead of the game.
Paper Author: Jim Handy, General Director, Objective Analysis
Author Bio: Jim Handy, Objective Analysis, is a leading semiconductor analyst. After positions at Intel, National Semi, and Infineon he is respected for his tech depth, accurate forecasts, and numerous reports. See, and