Tuesday, November 10th
Session D-3: Bringing Enterprise-Class Management to Big Memory (Persistent Memory Track)
Organizer: Frank Berry, VP Marketing, MemVerge

Paper Title: Implementing Big, Fast Persistent Memory

Paper Abstract: Persistent memory is here today with implementations available from major manufacturers. It offers a new tier of storage with new cost/performance ratios. It fits nicely between relatively slow disk drives (SSDs and HDDs) and expensive, power-hungry DRAM. The result is greatly increased performance badly needed by emerging big data applications such as real-time analytics, AI/ML, VR/AR, financial analysis, and HPC. How do we unleash this power? We need a management system that allows applications to leverage the new tier of big memory without any code modification. An initial commercial product is now available to do the job, and storage designers and engineers should start testing it in real applications.

Paper Author: Steve Scargall, Persistent Memory Software Architect, Intel

Author Bio: Steve Scargall is a Persistent Memory Software and Cloud Architect at Intel, where he supports the enabling and development effort to integrate persistent memory technology into software stacks, applications, and hardware architectures. He has written a popular book on “Programming Persistent Memory: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers”. Before joining Intel, he worked at Oracle and Sun Microsystems. He has over 19 years’ experience providing support and development of kernels, file systems, and performance analysis . He earned a BS in Computer Science and Cybernetics from the University of Reading (UK).