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, NaNth
8:30-10:50 AM
NVME-301-1: PCIe/NVMe Technology Update (NVMe Track)
Paper Title: VMware's NVMe Support, and Forward Looking Plans

Paper Abstract: This talk will provide an update on VMware inbox support for NVMe. vSphere 6.7 currently supports the NVMe 1.2.1 Driver Inbox, and this talk will provide forward looking plans in support of later versions of the NVMe Base Specifications, as well as NVMe-oF specifications in future releases of vSphere. Some use cases will also be described.

Paper Author: Murali Rajagopal, Director of Technology, VMware

Author Bio: Murali Rajagopal is with the OCTO in the Storage and Availability Business Unit at VMWare. he has been associated with Storage Industry for a very long time and currently focusing on NVMe-based architectures for vSphere stack. He has contributed to T11, T10 and IETF Standards in the past. He holds a doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology.