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3:20-4:25 PM
TEST-202A-1: Testing Issues (Testing Track)
Paper Title: Improvement of Read Disturb Policy in SSDs

Paper Abstract: Read disturb is an intrinsic degradation mechanism in flash memory. The data stored in flash may get lost when the array is read repeatedly. How to manage read disturb in flash based solid state drives is an important part of firmware algorithm and media policy, which can affect drive endurance, performance, and quality of service. The author studied read disturb policy in client SSDs and enterprise SSDs from multiple vendors and three generations of products. The evolution of read disturb management can be seen from earlier coarse and brute force relocation of chunks of data to later planned and gradual mitigation. The difference in fresh and aged SSDs is also investigated with various workloads.

Paper Author: Qingru Meng, engineer, Intel

Author Bio: Qingru Meng is a Senior Staff Engineer at Intel, where she has worked on flash memory, 3D XPoint and SSD system integration. Her research interests include nonvolatile memory reliability, soft errors, and storage device and system performance assessment. She holds patents and has published articles on reliability issues at several conferences. She earned a PhD in electrical engineering from Duke University. She has almost 20 years of experience in the reliability and performance assessment area.