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9:45-10:50 AM
INVT-101B-1: Achieving Lowest-Latency Storage with NVMe (NVMe Track)
Paper Title: Achieving Lowest-Latency Storage with NVMe

Paper Abstract: Low-latency storage is critical for a wide variety of applications, including transaction processing, financial trading systems, and video transmission. NVMe provides extremely low latency (single-digit microseconds) when used locally. How can we extend this level across networked flash which may experience both network delays and congestion? The solution is to provide software that pools NVMe storage access across the network at local speeds and latencies. The software must be distributed and support a variety of fabrics and architectures. It must also offer negligible overhead and application-independent operation. The result is NVMe sharing that scales performance and capacity linearly - and provides the low latency that today's applications require.

Paper Author: Josh Goldenhar, VP Product Marketing, Lightbits Labs
Motti Beck, Director Enterprise Market Development, NVIDIA

Author Bio: Josh Goldenhar is VP Products at Excelero, a leading provider of software-defined storage. He is responsible for defining, promoting, and steering the company’s high-performance, scalable block storage solution. Before joining Excelero, he led product strategy and management at EMC (XtremIO) and at DataDirect Networks. He has over 20 years experience in the technology industry. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Cognitive Science from the University of California, San Diego. He is often interviewed in the trade and technical press and has presented at webinars and at events, including the International Conference on Massive Storage Systems and Technologies (MSST).

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