Wednesday, August 8th
8:30-10:50 AM
SOFT-201-1: Increasing the Performance of Software-Defined Storage (Software Track Track)
Organizer + Chairperson: Matias Bjorling, Director Solid State System Software, Western Digital

Co-Organizer: Renu Raman, VP Cloud Architecture and Engineering, SAP

Paper Title: Key-Value Store Friendly SSD Interface Design and Optimization

Paper Abstract: This talk presents the SSD interface design choice for key-value stores, which have presented in the talk “Software-Hardware co-designed Key-Value Store based on Open SSD” by ICT. Key-value store system try to maximize the SSD capability in latency, consistency as well as the lower cost. Usually a standard SSD will not expose much flexibility for these demands. Open SSD interface provide a better way for key-value store. Based on a standard SSD controller design, we create a key-value optimized SSD interface. Meanwhile we implement a dedicated strategy for SSD internal parallelism.

Paper Author: Teng Yang, senior firmware engineer, Starblaze Technology

Author Bio: Teng Yang is a senior firmware engineer at Starblaze Technology, where his focus is on SSD development and applications engineering. His interest in NVM Express applications includes commands and features implementation. He was previously a firmware engineer at Sagemicro Corp., where he focused on SSD firmware research and development. He holds a Bachelors degree from Wuhan University.