Tuesday, August 7th
8:30-10:50 AM
PMEM-101-1: Advances in Persistent Memory (Persistent Memory Track Track)
Chairperson: Stephen Bates, CTO, Eideticom

Paper Title: The SNIA Persistent Memory Security Threat Model

Paper Abstract: What new security requirements apply to Persistent Memory (PM)? While many existing security practices such as access control, encryption, multi-tenancy and key management apply to persistent memory, new security threats may result from the differences between PM and storage technologies. The SNIA PM security threat model provides a starting place for exposing system behavior, protocol and implementation security gaps that are specific to PM. This in turn motivates industry groups such as TCG and JEDEC to standardize methods of completing the PM security solution space.

Paper Author: Mark Carlson, Technical Council Co-Chair, SNIA

Author Bio: Mark A. Carlson, Principal Engineer, Industry Standards at Toshiba, has more than 35 years of experience with Networking and Storage development and more than 20 years experience with Java technology. Mark was one of the authors of the CDMI Cloud Storage standard. He has spoken at numerous industry forums and events. He is the co-chair of the SNIA Cloud Storage and Object Drive technical working groups, and serves as co-chair of the SNIA Technical Council.