Wednesday, August 8th
8:30-10:50 AM
PMEM-201-1: Persistent Memory Software and Applications (Persistent Memory Track Track)
Organizer: Jim Pappas, Director, Initiative Marketing, Intel Server Platforms Group

Co-Organizer + Co-Chair: Jeff Chang, VP Marketing, AgigA Tech

Co-Organizer + Co-Chair: Arthur Sainio, Director Product Marketing, SMART Modular Technologies

Organizer: Jonathan Hinkle, Principal Researcher, Lenovo

Paper Title: NVDIMM: The savior of SSD endurance in CEPH

Paper Abstract: Ceph is a unified, distributed software defined storage system designed for excellent performance, reliability and scalability. More and more organizations and enterprises use Ceph to build their public cloud or private cloud to serve their users. However, as NAND Flash is increasingly used in data center and enterprise storage, Ceph storage will face new challenges such as higher performance demands and smaller write amplification issues. In this presentation, Bigtera will analyze the performance and write amplification issues related to Ceph data placement, and share Bigteras innovation by introducing NVDIMM in software defined storage and how it can get better performance in terms of latency and IOPS while minimizing the write amplification to achieve a better endurance.

Paper Author: David Tseng, Supervisor Engineer, Bigtera

Author Bio: David Tseng joined Bigtera in 2014 as software engineer, responsible for developing CEPH core and maintaining SCSI target services.David Tseng is a supervisor engineer at Bigtera, who has more than 7 years in SDS software, and an official Linux driver maintainer. Before Bigtera, he researched distributed storage systems in Academia Sinia. At Bigtera he currently focuses on CEPH core development, including performance and stability enhancement, new feature design and development. He holds an M.S.C.S.E. degree and was enrolled in as PhD student from Operating System Lab, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. Mainly researches on distributed systems and developing linux drivers for some prototype HWs in university.