Wednesday, June 14th
Introduction to SmartNICs Summit 2023 (SNS 2023 Keynotes Track)
Introduction to SmartNICs Summit 2023 - Click for Proceedings
Charles Sobey, General Chair, SmartNICs Summit

Keynote 1: Intel (SNS 2023 Keynotes Track)
Transforming Datacenter Infrastructure - Click for Proceedings
Kristie Mann, VP/GM, IPU Business Unit, Intel Network and Edge Group, Intel

Special Presentation 1: Ethernet Alliance (SNS 2023 Keynotes Track)
Keynote 2: Microsoft (SNS 2023 Keynotes Track)
SONiC-DASH: An Open-Source Project Delivering Enterprise Network Performance to - Click for Proceedings
Gerald DeGrace, Head Project Manager for Azure Disaggregated Technologies and DASH Open Source, Microsoft

Special Presentation 2: RISC-V (SNS 2023 Keynotes Track)
RISC-V Powers the Next Leap Forward in Compute Systems Architecture - Click for Proceedings
Balaji Baktha, CEO, Ventana Micro Systems

Special Presentation 3: SNIA (SNS 2023 Keynotes Track)
Keynote 3: NVIDIA (SNS 2023 Keynotes Track)
SmartNICs and DPUs Accelerate Generative AI at Data Center Scale - Click for Proceedings
Kevin Deierling, Sr VP Networking, NVIDIA